YoungHwa Cha-Hach
Title: Lily Extravaganza (Mikelson Garden in Whiterock, BC)
Description: When I visited the beautiful Mikelson Gardens it was hosting an art exhibition featuring local artists, and after strolling through the grounds, I stumbled upon the big pond full of lily pads. I then started painting the lily pads as they are, full of different shades of green. But I wasn’t satisfied! So I repainted them to make it more fun with vibrant colors – as if they are all happily dancing.
Material: Oil on Canvas
Size: 30” x 40”
Price: $2,300
Rental Price: $191.70/ month | $1,150 Deposit
Title: Rolling Rocks (Squamish River, BC)
Description: It was the day I drove out and walked our dogs along the Squamish River. Beautiful, but quite temperamental – as if the river had somewhere to run to, fast! – taking all the rocks with it. The rocks appeared to be tumbling and rolling in the roaring waters.
Material: Oil on Canvas
Size: 24” x 30”
Price: $1,400
Rental Price: $116.70/ month | $700 Deposit