Members Show 2022

Karen Kroeker

I am a retired secondary art teacher from the Surrey School District and eagerly stepped into my personal world of art-making when I “renaissanced”. Textiles, fibres, hand stitching and machine stitching have always been part of my life; doll clothes when I was young, sewing in high school Home Economics, textile design at UBC in the Art Education Department where I learned everything I know about using my sewing machine as an art tool. My hands and heart are never far from a needle and thread of one sort or another. My motto is: TLC – texture, layering, colour.


A fabric art collage that is part of an ongoing “Dream” series. I tried to capture the feeling of lying somewhere pleasant while drifting lightly among imaginary clouds.

Size: 18” x 24”

Medium: Fabric Collage

Homage to Oma

Using a floral chalk pastel that my artistic Dutch Oma created in the 1940’s as inspiration, I re-created her artwork in my own personal style.

Size: 18” x 24”

Medium: Fabric Collage

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