Eileen Fong
Title: Sunset Melody
Description: Sunset is always a beautiful part of the day. Every adventurer would like to experience the sunset in that particular place. This one was in one of the remote islands of Hong Kong. It always brings back fond memories.
Material: Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 21” x 25”
Price: $550
Rental Price: $45.85/ month | $275 Deposit
Title: The Light and Shadow of a Forest
Description: I was most delighted to see this old tree stump in the woods. Its reddish old wood glowed in the sunlight and pretty young green trees growing on top of it. The ferns nearby seemingly dancing with joy.
Material: Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 24” x 24”
Price: $550
Rental Price: $45.85/ month | $275 Deposit