Debra Westdrop
Title: Where Butterflies Gather
Description: I studied watercolour painting but was introduced to acrylics and then resin. I love the creative process and nature. That includes the butterflies which I create with resin. I love exploring new techniques and sharing my artistic journey with others.
Material: Acrylic and Resin on Canvas
Size: 20” x 30”
Price: $375
Rental Price: $31.25/ month | $187.50 Deposit
Title: Ocean Life
Description: I am excited to share my mixed media painting Ocean Life with everyone. This painting includes a pour painting background with a handmade starfish and a Seahorse filled with found items. to seal and protect this painting has 2 coats of resin.
Material: Acrylic, Resin, and Found Objects on Wood Canvas
Size: 12” x 12”
Price: $200
Rental Price: $16.70/ month | $100 Deposit