Bill Noy
Title: Dragonfly Pond 3
Description: The life of a dragonfly begins in water. When the time is right, the dragonfly nymph climbs out, above the water. It raises it’s head and begins to inhale air. It continues – up into the light. At first the dragonfly’s colours are muted but it quickly transforms to it’s full and final iridescent colours. These paintings are the reflection of that path of transcendence; from water to light.
Material: Archival inks and epoxy resin on brushed aluminium
Size: 10” x 10”
Price: $400
Rental Price: 33.35/ month | $200 Deposit
Title: Dragonfly Pond 6
Material: Archival inks and epoxy resin on brushed aluminium. Framed in yellow cedar and purpleheart
Size: 10” x 10”
Price: $400
Rental Price: $33.35/ month | $200 Deposit