Bruna Sbranchella
Resilience through Patience
“As ice passages open due the rising temperature, shipping routes through arctic waterway become more practical. Increased shipping traffic poses a risk of oil spills. The Innuit man depicted, is on his fishing trip, seems to be down on his luck. He must wait for a bigger catch”
Medium: Ceramics
Size: N/A
Comments (10)
Costanzo family
Beautiful sculpture!
We love your work. You’ve truly captured the essence of “Patience through Resilience”.
Paula Andretta
Absolutely Heartwarming Beautiful Emotional And Globally Appropriate At This Unpredictable
Your Work Is Always Thought Provoking.
Piero e Nerina
Bruna, non finisci di meravigliarsi.
Bellissima l’opera, fantastica il principio ispiratore. Ci rendi orgogliosi del nostro legame. Con tanto affetto e vicinanza
Gino Cavicchioli
Wonderful work ????
Huge congratulations dear Bruna.
Oh! Bruna it is beautiful, there is such tenderness there and a quiet patience i think it comes from long practice, wish i could have some of that
A round of applause to you–very nice work.
He WILL get his “bigger catch”!
Best wishes from all of us on A at MP.
Sue Mortimer
Oh Bruna….I do love your sculptures. You have a special gift. Thanks for sharing.
Piero e Nerina
Bellissima idea e stupenda realizzazione. Ci fai sentire onorati. Piero e Nerina
Beautiful and thought provoking work!
Annick Lemay
Bruno this is just beautiful!