#9 Golden Germ
Hiranyagarbha (Sanskrit: हिरण्यगर्भः ; literally the ‘golden womb’ or ‘golden egg’, poetically translated as ‘universal womb’) is the source of the creation of universe or the manifested cosmos in Vedic philosophy, as well as an avatar of lord Vishnu in the text Bhagavata Purana.
The aim is to realize through all form, the form less, the One without sound. This realization can be conceived in terms of dimensions –sabda-the primordial sound substratum as a form of monosyllabic mantra, the Om and Brhmanda as the vital key-form of a super-sensous world, the egg.
In tantric thought, sound without vibration does not exist, this unstruck sound or anahata-dhvani, is only heard by the yogi whose senses are withdrawn from the external and turns inwards, The basis of for this concept of sound means essentially that every thought or idea originates in Sound(nada).the moment we think, an unheard sound is formed. As an idea appears in in one’s mind , the sound that concurrently occurs is the ground for all forms. Sound is the soul of form, which comes into life only sound from inside out (courtesy.wikipedia.org)
Size: 22″ x 34″
Material: Mixed Media on Film
Price: $471